Your child has completed one of the most important milestones in his/her life–the first day of Pre-K! It can be exciting and a little scary, too. I hope that this handbook will inform you of what to expect in Pre-K and answer some questions that you or your child might have.
In pre-kindergarten, we will do beginning, middle, and end of the year assessments to measure student’s progress. There is an assessment for literacy, math, fine motor, and social skills. The teacher will discuss the results at the parent/teacher conferences and send copies of those home.
A successful school experience is the responsibility of the children, the parent, and the school. Your child’s progress, both academically and socially, is influenced largely by daily participation. Regular attendance without tardiness is a key. Please view school as a priority and see to it that your child attends every day except in cases of illness or emergency. Also, please make sure your child is to school on time so that they don't miss out on important instruction time. It is important to establish good habits early! (See school handbook for more details.)
Arrival and Dismissal Students should arrive to the classroom by 7:55. Students need to eat breakfast before coming to the classroom. The doors to the early childhood building will be unlocked at 7:30. The tardy bell rings at 7:55. Pre-K is dismissed at 3:05. As a reminder parents are to remain in their vehicles during all drop off and dismissal procedures due to the safety and well being of the students.
Please let me know of any food allergies your child might have. We sometimes cook in Pre-K and it would be helpful to know this when planning our recipes. A doctors note is required for students that have a milk allergy and must drink something besides milk in the lunchroom. Also, if your child requires an EpiPen, inhaler, or any other medication, a form will need to be filled out.
Each child will need a backpack to bring home their binder, papers, artwork, notes, etc. each day. The backpack needs to be big enough for their binders. Please have your child share the contents of the backpack with you daily. Also, please take the papers out of your child’s binder that your child has done that day. This would be a great way to get them talking about what they learned in school that day and reinforce what is being taught in school.
If your child gets in trouble at school, a note will be written in his/her binder explaining the situation. If there isn’t a note that means your child had a good day and there were no issues. If they have to be seen by the principal, most generally, the principal or teacher will give you a phone call. We will utilize a punch card system for them to earn rewards for good behavior. When your child earns 5 punches in their card they will get something out of the treasure box. Especially at the beginning of the year we try to give the children time to adjust and learn procedures and use lots of positive reinforcement to promote good behavior. As the year goes on and they learn our expectations, we will expect more from them.
Breakfast Breakfast is served from 7:00-7:50 every morning. You may drop off your child at the cafeteria and a teacher on duty can help him/her to the classroom when they are finished.
Pre-k will go to the computer lab once a week. They will be learning how to use a mouse, as well as working on various literacy and math skills.
We work and play hard in Pre-Kindergarten and we really do get dirty. Please send your child in clothes that they can play and be comfortable in. Be sure to put your child’s name in coats, hats, sweaters, or anything that he/she may take off.
In pre-k, the students will take home their binder daily. Please check your child’s binder every day for daily notes and daily work. Please make sure to sign, return, and clean out the binder each day.
Hands-On Learning
I feel that the best way to help children learn is to make learning fun. One way to do this is with hands-on activities. In pre-k we do lots of hands-on learning along with seatwork to reinforce what is being taught. Children learn in the early years through play. In pre-k we have learning centers where the children play everyday. In each center they are learning important life skills. We have a kitchen/dramatic play center, a block center, a reading center, I-pad/Osmo center, a science/discovery center, and a art/writing center. At center time we also have two teacher tables where we will focus on the letters, numbers, or fine motor skills. We rotate through 5 centers each day in groups of about 4.
The question of when to keep your child home from school is often a difficult one, especially when decisions must be made first thing in the morning. It is important, however, to keep your child home if he/she is ill. This helps to keep them more comfortable and prevents others from becoming ill. Children function more effectively in the classroom when they are healthy. If you take your child to the doctor, be sure to get a doctor’s note to turn into the office, so that it will not count against your child’s attendance. Your child must be fever free and have not thrown up in the last 24 hours to return back to school. Please help us keep the spread of illness down by abiding by these guidelines.
Students in our classroom are encouraged and expected to treat all members of our class as well as others with kindness and respect. Hitting, fighting, name-calling, and making fun of others will not be permitted.
Mrs. Hook is the librarian and Mrs. Wolly is the library assistant. The students will get to go to the library once a week to have a story read to them.
Pre-Kindergarten lunch time is from 10:45-11:10. I will send a monthly lunch menu in your child’s folder. Your child may bring lunch from home if desired. We will send your child’s lunch bill at the end of each month in their binders. you may send the money for their bill back in their binder if you wish and we will take it to the lunchroom manager, Mrs. Margaret.
Mr. Hays is the music teacher. Pre-k goes 2-3 times per week.
There are two main parties each year. They are Christmas and Valentines. All parents are welcome to attend the parties. We will send a sign up sheet home before each party if you would like to sign up to bring something.
Physical Education
The P.E. teacher is Ms. Laura Wood. The students will go to P.E. 2-3 times per week. It is best that your child wear comfortable shoes and clothes on P.E. days. It is hard to run and participate in boots, dress shoes, flip-flops, etc. we will write on the monthly lunch/leader calendar what days they will be in P.E.
The children will be going outside for recess everyday unless it is raining or extremely hot or cold. Please keep this in mind when helping your child select clothing and coats for the day. If your child is well enough to be at school, then he/she is well enough to participate in outdoor recess, if properly dressed. In fact, the germs that cause colds thrive more readily in heated indoor air and it is good to go outside and get some fresh air.
It is required that your child be potty trained before coming to school and able to take care of their personal bathroom needs. We understand that accidents do happen at this age but it should not be a regular occurrence. If your child has an accident the parent is expected to take care of it. During the school day the children have the opportunity to go to the restroom about every hour. If your child has a condition, diagnosed by a doctor, and needs to go more often, please let me know. I encourage them go when we are on bathroom break and at recess.
The students are expected to lye quietly during rest-time. I will play quiet music and stories to help them relax. They may bring a small blanket that will fit in the bottom of their cubby. We will send all blankets home on Friday to be washed.
On your child’s leader day, they may bring something for Show-N-Tell. Good things to bring for show-n-tell are pictures, books to be read to the class, something that they have received for their birthday or something else that is special to them. If they do not have anything to show, I will encourage them to tell us something exciting they have done or want to do. I feel that this is a good time for children to work on their oral language skills.
Snacks will be provided by the school. We will go to the lunchroom about 1:55 for an afternoon snack also referred to as 3rd meal.
In pre-kindergarten will we teach from the Lively Letters and Heggerty phonics curriculum. We also do themes in which we will do activities that work on various skills that will help prepare your child for kindergarten.
Children are asked NOT to bring toys from home. They are very distracting, and many are not made for large group use. I cannot be responsible for broken toys or hurt feelings caused by them. (Unless it is for show-n-tell, then it is to stay in their backpack until show-n-tell time.)
Web Page
Tishomingo Public Schools has a web page full of information including the lunch menu, the school schedule, sporting events and classroom home pages, including ours. Please visit our school website at
Make sure that your child gets plenty of rest. Setting and keeping a bedtime is a wonderful gift you can give your child. It will help them to be alert and ready to learn all day!
Anytime you have questions or concerns please feel free to contact me using any of the following methods:
Email: Mrs. Bradley
Phone: Elementary office at 580-371-2548.
FaceBook page- Mrs. Bradley’s Bulletin Board or Remind App.
By working together, we believe we can make this a fun and exciting year for your child.
Thanks- Pre-k Teachers