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4th Grade Handbook



Fourth Grade Handbook





Dear Parents,


Welcome to Fourth Grade!

We are looking forward to working with you and your child during the coming school year. We are expecting a very productive and enjoyable time together. We are going to have an out of this world learning experience!

In this handbook, you will find information that will be helpful to you and your child.  It will answer many of the questions you might have about the school year and inform you about our class schedule and procedures. Please feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns you might have at anytime during the year. Our daily conference time is 2:20 to 3:00 p.m. The phone number to the school is 580-371-2548.

We look forward to a great, exciting, and educational year.



Candice Oliver                                                 


Our Philosophy of Education

So that you can have a better appreciation of what we will accomplish in our classrooms this year, we would like you to know our philosophy of education.


We believe that all children can learn.

We believe that all children deserve respect.

We believe that our job is to teach until a child learns.

We believe that we must model behaviors we want to see in the classroom.

We want children to enjoy learning.

We hope to cultivate a love of learning.

We believe that children need clear well defined guidelines.

We have high expectations for your child and expect his/her very best work on a regular basis.

We truly feel that once your child walks into the classroom, that he/she becomes part of the classroom family.

We will love each and every child and will let them know that on a regular basis.


A successful school experience is the responsibility of the child, the parent and the school. Your child’s progress, both academically and socially, is influenced by daily participation. Regular attendance without tardiness is a must. Please view school as a priority and see to it that your child attends every day except in cases of illness or emergency.


If your child is feeling ill, please keep them home. That will help us prevent others from becoming ill. Children function more effectively in the classroom when they are healthy. **If you take your child to the doctor during school hours, be sure to get a doctor’s note to turn in the office, so that it won’t count against your child’s attendance.


Arrival/Dismissal & Transportation:

Fourth grade is to be dropped off at the old office on Neshoba Street and walk to the cafeteria or classroom. Students should arrive between 7:30 – 7:55 a.m. 

PLEASE do not try to park and walk up to get your child. This holds up traffic and is dangerous for you and our students. There simply will not be any room to park with the pickup lines and buses waiting to leave. It is imperative we walk around on the sidewalks. Our children's safety is our top priority!

Please make sure your child is aware of how they will be going home each day. If there are any changes, please notify the teacher in person, by phone, or with a note.


Every student PK-4th grade will receive a planner your child’s planner will be in their binder. These planners are our communication tools with parents! It is imperative that the planner be signed every night to check for communication from the teacher. At the back of the planners is a place to put notes and such. Please check to see if there are any important notes from the teacher, and the teachers will check each day for any communication you may be sending to them. If your child's normal transportation is different for the day, PLEASE note this in their planners so our teachers will know where to send them. If it is not written in there, or we have not received a note, students will be sent home according to their normal/usual routine.

Thursday Folders:

Each student will have notes on Thursday. These are another huge communication tool. Upcoming field trips, principal newsletters, office notes, t-shirt sales, fundraisers, and more will be given on Thursdays. Please look for these notes every week so you don't miss out on all the amazing happenings at Tishomingo Elementary!


Take Home Binder- This binder should come home every day. It will contain their planner, whole group work, homework, and important notes. Please remove all stay home papers nightly. Please initial the planner nightly that your child has completed their assignments.

Reading – Your child will have reading homework 2-3 nights during the week. The reading homework should take 10-15 minutes and will be from his/her Journeys. Spelling/Vocabulary- Study nightly to prepare for test on Friday.

Math- Your child will have math homework on Monday, Tuesday and/or Thursday. Please see that your child turns homework in the following morning.

Graded Work:

Graded work will be sent home weekly. The graded work is yours to keep. 

Backpacks/School Bags:

Each child will need some sort of bag to take their belongings from school to home each day. Please have your child share their Take Home Binder with you daily.


Breakfast - The cafeteria will not open before 7:30 a.m. for breakfast. Students will need to finish breakfast by 7:55 a.m. We will not be able to serve breakfast after this time as the cafeteria staff will be cleaning up and preparing for lunch time.  Breakfasts cost $1.00; those that qualify for reduced breakfast will pay $0.30. Once students finish eating, they will be dismissed to their buildings.

Lunch - Lunch times are as follows: 4th grade 11:45-12:10.   Please be sure to send healthy lunches and limit the sugars so that students respond well in the classroom after lunch. No glass bottles or containers may be used.


Please send your child in clothes that they can play and be comfortable in.

(See school handbook for more details on dress code.)

Great Expectations:

This year we will be implementing the Great Expectation program. The expectation and consequences are as follows:

                Classroom Expectations

  • We will value one another as unique and special individuals.
  • We will not laugh at or make fun of a person's mistakes nor use sarcasm or putdowns.
  • We will use good manners, saying "please," "thank you," and "excuse me" and allow others to go first.
  • We will cheer each other to success.
  • We will help one another whenever possible.
  • We will recognize every effort and applaud it.
  • We will encourage each other to do our best.
  • We will practice virtuous living, using the Life Principles.


  • If you cause a problem, I will ask you to solve it.
  • If you cannot solve the problem or choose not to, I will assist you.
  • What I do will depend on the special person and the special situation.
  • If you feel something is unfair, whisper to me, “I’m not sure that’s fair,” and we will talk.
  • If you cause severe disruption, you will be sent immediately to the principal.


Students are encouraged and expected to treat all members of our class as well as others with kindness and respect. Hitting, fighting, name-calling and making fun of others will not be permitted. Each class has a behavior notebook. Students will keep record of their behavior.


The students will go to the library every other week as a class. The library will be open daily for students to check out a book to read at home. Most library books are AR books.

Accelerated Reading (AR):

Each child is encouraged to earn AR points each week. Students will need to reach individual goals based on Star Testing.


The students will go to the computer lab twice during the week. They will use programs that reinforce math and reading skills we are working on in class.


Mr. Hays is the music teacher. The students will go to music once a week.

Physical Education:

The P.E. teacher is Coach Alexander. The students go to P.E. twice a week. It is best that your child wear comfortable shoes on these days. It is hard to run and play in dress shoes, flip flops or boots; please have your child wear appropriate shoes on P.E. days or have them bring tennis shoes in their backpack.

Social Media:

Tishomingo Elementary has a Facebook page and Twitter account. Please follow us to get the latest updates and to share in the celebrations of our students and staff. The FB page is simply called "Tishomingo Elementary" and our Twitter address is @TishElementary.


All teachers will have a class webpage that can be found at Click on elementary and then find your teacher's name, then click and go to their personal page. You will find information about their class, schedule, lesson plans, upcoming events, and more. Please utilize this tool to stay in close contact with the happenings in your student's class.

Class Parties:

We have four class parties throughout the year: Fall, Christmas, Valentine’s, and Easter. Parent attendance is postponed until further notice. 


The students will be going outside for recess everyday unless it is raining or extremely hot/cold. Please keep in mind when helping to select your child’s clothing for the day. Toys:

Children are asked NOT to bring toys from home. They are distracting and many are not made for large groups. We cannot be responsible for broken toys or hurt feelings caused by them.


Everyone gets a special day during school. Students will be the leader on their special day (or close as possible to his/her real birthday) and we will sing “Happy Birthday”. Children with summer birthdays will get to celebrate at the end of the year. Due to new regulation special treats are not allowed for birthdays.

Please do not send invitations to school unless you have one for everyone in the class. This will avoid any hurt feelings.


Please make sure that your child gets plenty of rest. Setting and keeping a bedtime is a wonderful gift you can give your child. It will help them to be alert and ready to learn all day!!!












Candice Oliver

Upcoming Events

Contact Candice Wright

School Phone: